
By Cigs

Loch Bad An Sgalaig (no. really)

We're gonna need a bigger map.

Oh it’s been a journey, a hell of a journey. Generally as well as specifically.
Specifically. You have imindoors to thank for this one. He appears to have been gainfully employed in Gairloch last week on on his way home spotted today’s blip and phoned it in on the Cigshotline.
It’s not the handiest one to blip. When you consider that the furthest north I’ve had to go is South Queensferry; the furthest south and west was Balerno and the furthest east was Musselburgh, then to try and get on one’s bike to Loch Maree is a bit of a mission...! Even for me.  229 miles there. And then the return journey to consider.

So I rather reluctantly consulted Scotrail who said a day return was £53.50; bargain! (I used my Cigsrailcard) So having booked the day off work, I arrived at Waverley for the 0633 bound for Stirling, a quick change to the Inverness train; got off at Inverness and boarded a train for Kyle of Lochalsh and settled down with (appropriately enough) Alan Warner’s The Dead Man’s Pedal.  I fall off the train at just gone midday.
It’s only 24 miles from Achnasheen to Loch Bad An Sgalaig; and quite a drop too. After a flat run alongside Loch a’ Chroisg it’s then the epic descent to Kinlochewe; epic views and an absolute joy. Just ignore the thought that you have to cycle back up it later on. Just blank it out.
From Kinlochewe it’s a nice flat run alongside Loch Maree; Slioch is across the water still required before I complete the Munros – but that’s for another day. A steady pace; head down; a head breeze.. but hey. The sense of anticipation is building which is good cos as I get to the Loch Maree Hotel (which houses a stuffed fish my great grandfather caught many moons ago) the gradient starts to increase. Focus. All I have to do is get to the top of this hill. It’s 3 and a half painful miles but you know what? It’ll be worth it. It WILL be worth it.
Now where are the instructions? Ah yes – just as the single track road starts, on the left hand side. Couldn’t have been simpler.
Camera out; blip done and a drink of water.

It’s 1321. I have to be on the platform in 1 hour and 42 minutes; I’ve got 24 miles and nearly 400 metres of ascent to go.... No time to rest on my laurels; so off down the hill; the advantage here being the gentle nudge from the wind. Torridon is glimpsed to the south – more mountains awaiting my attention. Kinlochewe is a blur as I whip through (relatively speaking) and on up the horrible hill. For all that it was majestic on the descent, it is punishing on the ascent; all the while the clock is ticking....
I make it with 7 minutes to spare. And once on the train I slump, spent.
By about Aviemore, I’ve rallied. The sense of victory rises within.
As I chained the bike up at 2217, I did wonder about posting this. But I fell asleep and that. Was that.

Thank you all for your support and interest over the previous 999 ridiculous journal entries.

Especially to Cigs who clearly is a  masochist oops sorry - clearly a Freudian slip sadist who wants to keep me on the move. Loud too for acting as liaison officer. To Sharon and the Ciglettes for their long suffering humouring of me and my Cigs quest. Ambioran for the frankly ingenious Cigsmap. To Wingpig, Anth, Imindoors, Middleman, Solaev21, rjevans6 (RIP), Kirsten, Tom, Bill, Meles, DaveH, Lippinfou, Fairmilefoto, MrSmith, Arclight, Bike Shop Neill, Magi, Dwalletta, MrGu82, LizImbrie, Queenie, MusselburghLass,  Dominic87, Trev, Dreich, Uncertain, Tommyboyrecords, Instography, Simon,  Steve-o, JPIrish, Kitchenspy for reporting sightings (if I’ve missed you out of this illustrious list – I apologise) and of course IainatCreel who kindly gifted me life membership back in the day – a kind and noble gesture. Here’s to the next 1000.

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