Rrrrntie Hannah kiss

Asha recently wrote 'Auntie Hannah' as 'Rntie Hannah', which I enjoyed, and has now stuck!
A last morning of walking, talking, and coffeeing...plus buying new underwear as mine went up in flames yesterday! I let our landlady know what happened, but she got a bit on the defensive. I remembered too, that our electrics were randomly tripping earlier in the day, even though we had next to nothing in use - I wonder if that was part of it?
Sad to see Han go. Next time I see her she'll have another baby!!
Danny took Asha to a taster Taekwondo class - she totally loved it!

Drama of the day;
Feeling a touch flat without my sister here.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Han spending the time & money to come visit.
2) Nate having a good long afternoon nap - he's down on sleep that boy!
3) Seeing some flamingoes as we drove past the salt flats this lunchtime.

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