
By AlrightFlower

Light and dark

I've been thinking a lot about light and dark today. In between running from pillar to post at work - one of those days where I started lots of things but didn't actually finish anything...

Woke up early this morning - the hot water tank is next to my bedroom and, now I've got the heating on for 20 minutes before I get up, makes a hell of a noise in the morning. I'll get used to it eventually... Normally I leave the house in semi-darkness and, by the time I arrive at work, it's fully light. But today I got in just as the darkness was receding, so managed to capture a pale rosy glow which I liked. The colours were much more vivid to my eyes than to my smartphone - must remember to try to put the camera in the car (after I've deleted the holiday photos!).

I'm always fooled at this time of year by the light - and the dark. I looked out of the window a while ago and thought it must be around 9pm, because it's almost completely dark. Nope, 7.15. And then, 5 minutes later, a blackness that swallows the world outside and makes me wonder if I'm the only one left... Well, apart from next door's bloody barking dog.

And I'll get used to the light - and the dark - and then the clocks will change, and it'll fool me again. And I can never get my head around the changing time - will it be an hour later or an hour earlier than it is now? And all that "spring forward, fall back" stuff just makes no sense to me!

I wonder what it was like to live by the position of the sun - and the moon and stars - in the sky, rather than by artificially created segments of time...


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