All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Ethan and I had to pay another wee visit to the vets today ... with Zoe and Leia though who had to go for a return check up. "Only" a £40 bill today .... still takes my total vets bill for the past month to around £500 though - ouch! Hope we don't have to go back for a while!

We then went to the library before off to Dobbie for lunch. Ethan loves eating there plus trying out all their playhouses, watching the chickens and fish!

A trip round Sainsburys before a sleep in the car for Ethan, playtime, dinner, then just time for his latest obsession, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, before bed. He's asking to watch it every day at the moment and much as I love it, I am starting to get a bit sick of it now!

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