
By Transitoire

J'ai quelque chose à dire

Bit of a mixed day again to be honest. Still not 100%, I think French germs have finally vanquished my immune system so feeling very under the weather! Had a bit of an awful morning due to having very little sleep last night and then having to deal with the receptionist of the foyer. Have no idea what she has against me, but all I can say is that she is possibly the rudest person I have ever met! As I was trying to explain that the tumble dryer (sèche-linge) was broken and had already wasted two euros trying to get it to work she leapt into breakneck French that I didn't understand. Upon me asking her to repeat it slower she repeated it at the very same speed, then when I again didn't understand she laughed in my face. *Insert some very choice words in English*. Felt like screaming at her that we're not stupid; we're just trying to speak in another language that we're not fluent in!

Luckily, everyone else that I have encountered have been nothing but nice! I went back into the bank today, as I needed to go in and sign some more forms and was greeted by possibly one of the nicest people I have ever met. Made me feel a lot better! This was followed by a very warm greeting at the school, where even though I have only been there three days some students recognised me and said hello. And the receptionists are so lovely too!

This was followed by a wonderful rendez-vous with Kendra, Camille (pictured) and her friends. They were so patient with mine and Kendra's broken French - spending at least 10 minutes at a time trying to decipher what we were trying to say! And then the bar gave us some free popcorn, will definitely be going back there! Can't wait to see them all again.

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