136 days of light

In the evening we went to see the opening show of Tampere Festival of Light. In the end of the ceremony there was a laser show combined to fireworks.

From today until March 11 2018, the streets of central Tampere are illuminated with light fixtures - from traditional light figures to art projected onto empty walls. In total, it will be 136 days of light. 

As an extra shot there are rowan berries covered with snow. (It was difficult decision to choose which one of the pictures to add as  the main blip photo!) Today we enjoyed winter scenes, and at the moment it's still snowing, but tomorrow it will rain all day. I'm afraid all snow will melt away. Which is kind of good, because we have plenty to rake! However, I will miss the light that snow brought to our dark evenings. 

+-0°C, cloudy

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