Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

Love Birds

We're a pair of love birds
Sitting on the roof
Do I really love her?
Well here's the proof
These tiles are cold
There's drips down my back
Of basic creature comforts
There is a distinct lack
All I want to do
Is to crash out in my nest
Yet, I'm sat up here
Without even a warm vest!
She thinks it's really fun
To nudge me out of bed
To go and get her a drink
With my wings feeling like lead
And when I do return
With cup on saucer neat
There she is asleep
With my side taken by her feet
I know I'm not really a love bird
I'm just a common old crow
But this here missus of mine
Oh I do love her so

Terry Rhiannyr
October, 2012

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