Vines and Vineyards

I am only just starting to get to know the village where our new house is located. Sense of place is really important to me so I am enjoying starting to explore and pleased to be finding some things I like! 

One thing I am enjoying are the independent shops and local products on sale at the ends of driveways.  This morning in the bright sunshine we walked to the little art shop, then bought bread from the bakery (which makes all its bread on site), then eggs from the local farm, then gathered some Brambly apples which were free to take from a neighbour.  No need to go near a supermarket - which feels wonderful to me.

As we walked I noticed these vines growing on one of the old mill buildings. The building looks quite neglected and the vines left to ramble to their heart's content.  There are several vineyards in this part of the world - the soil and climate making it just about feasible to grow them well enough to make English wine.  How nice!

I hope you are all having a lovely Saturday. x

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