Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Don't be a lone banana.. one of the bunch - as they say!

A beautiful morning, all blue skies and dew.  And what an extraordinary sight.  Cowslips grow in their thousands on the butterfly reserve and in spring are a really lovely sight.  This one, though, has decided to flower in autumn.  It's probably not as exceptional as I think, after all, primroses are currently trying to flower in my garden, but I don't think I've ever noticed an October cowslip before.

Apart from that, not a lot, just being domestic and - rather pathetically - looking forward to my book and an early night.  It will keep me happy, but I do very much hope you have something more exciting planned ;))


PS: Thursday's AT was a spider's web outside my kitchen window.  I forgot to say yesterday ;)

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