It’s a snip

We had a great night with Linda and Colin. The complicated starter was a great success so i’ll definitely make it again, despite the faff. We were all surprised we’d managed the evening without too much depression politics.

We had a lovely relaxing morning reading the paper then I worked hard in the gym - my foot was really sore after the 15,000 steps on the moor yesterday in my walking boots, so I used the bike, cross-trainer and rowing machine which put no pressure on the foot.

Then I worked on my Blurb Kyrgyzstan book. Ailie called round to give me the Freedom City info for tomorrow and we had a glass of wine together.

Seeing Ailie reminded me of the present I’d bought Ailie from Uzbekistan- we saw the man making these scissors, and Ailie is a sewer so I thought i’d Get them for her. Actually they were not a snip in price, compared to vodka! But she’s worth it!

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