Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Happy Days

Ms D is 21 on Monday and had a family meal tonight. Came back with a larger than life cake and some huge balloons, as you do. Definitely blipworthy.

We had a lie in today, although I did get up before 7 to feed cats and ended up drinking tea and reading rather than sleeping in. I am reading a biography of Clement Attlee at the moment, which Top Gun bought me for my birthday. Have to say I am really enjoying it; if we think we are living through turbulent political times at the moment, then looking back at the 1920s and 1930s you realise that the crisis was just as great and nearly killed off the Labour Party.

We went in to town to do some shopping but I came back early and crashed on the settee, unbelievably tired. TSM took the opportunity for a manicure, pedicure and eyebrows and came home looking lovelier than ever.

We watched All The Presidents Men this evening, and much to my surprise I managed to stay awake for the whole film. It is a real classic, and I love the period nature of it, days when people smoked in offices, mobile phones hadn’t been invented, typewriters sat on the desks rather than computers, and men wore trousers with tight butts and flared legs. Happy days …

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