Didn't achieve much today

Late start this morning compounded by lots of visitors to the house. Over 2 hours 3 different sets of people turned up, and we are far too polite to say that we're busy.

But what I did manage to arrange was the cleaning and redecorating of one of the empty properties. One of our tenants has got a little behind in their rent, and whilst another landlord would evict, we don't. It actually makes more financial sense to accept a lower rent than evict, the cost if eviction, and then having a property empty for a month or two.

So this guy offered to clean one of the properties and offered to do it for $50. I couldn't accept that, far too low and offered him $100. He also offered to reprint and we'll take him up on that. Which means we may have that property ready to roll again by the end of next week which will be excellent.

As for this photo, it's today little success. Was in a hardware store for 29c each. It's a cupboard door knob if you're wondering.

At the checkout they became 12c each, so we got another 50. We then saw them at Lowes for $2.29 EACH! The exact same thing. We still have to buy a bolt for each one which us another 20c each, but 30c vs $2!! Result.

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