Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Edinburgh Viewed from above Swanston

Last day of the week, and I'm working from home again. Getting a bit of cabin fever. A cool crisp day, and I'm stuck inside. Work is a bit if a bind, and I only have time for a very quick walk at lunchtime.

However, the tiler has progressed very quickly with the work (much quicker than the previous tiler who did it wrong).

Eventually I get out for a quick walk and head up to Swanston. The sun is already quite low in the sky. About 1/2 hour later, the sun has 'set' on the hill, but Edinburgh is still bathed in sunshine.

Behind me is the path as it makes its way up to Allermuir Hill, just out of shot to the right. Or you can loop around left, above the T-Wood and below Caerketton Craigs, which can be seen behind the tree in the centre.

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