Madrid Day 1 - Jamon....

Up just after 5 for trip to Madrid. Thanks to RyanAir cancelling my flight. Drove to King's Lynn, then train down to London, and across London and out to Gatwick. Checked in smoothly. Flight was packed, and just about crammed my case on. Straight forward flight, which I partly slept through, and then out to try to find the bus to Madrid city centre. Plenty of taxis wanting to charge you €30, but they'd hidden the €2 bus round the back. Into the city, and found the hotel - comfortable and next to Metro station. Wandered down to the Retiro in the evening... Lovely and warm, then back to the hotel to meet colleagues/friends. Ended up at Cuatro Caminos: a place I know well, and in a very traditional ham/tortilla/beers bar watching Athletico Madrid, eating Manchego, and drinking Mahou. Some very fine  ham being sliced... A good first day.

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