Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. Now here's a question.

We often (these days) set off or return from home in mist and fog (owing to the Elderly Relative Situation).
The roads are windy (as in twisty-turny, as opposed to blowy or anything in a pre digital clock type way).
And high.
Often, on the moors, we come upon sheep in the road.
They generally mind their own business (and I do have a fondness for them and  admire them for managing to slip out from what seem pretty sturdy fences).

I do wonder though... What is the protocol?
Is there anyone who would be interested to know that a sheep or two are having a party out of the field? Or, would reporting it (to whom?) just be a nuisance?
(It is a regular thing, and I dread coming across an accident involving either people or sheep).
I have, in an idle moment,  googled it, and am totally up to speed on what to do when in Australia in a similar situation.

P.S. I did have a much better photo than this, and watched my fingers delete it from the camera, whilst inwardly shouting 'nooooo'.
A brain/finger time lapse.
What can you do? :-/

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