
Bluebellsea posted a deer Blip on Sunday during the storm that was raging over Germany. Coincidentally  Angie had spotted an old dear deer friend that morning in the forest next to the house.

This deer has been around our place for several years usually with her young in summer and autumn. The last Blip I could find of her was in August 2016 and this clearly shows why we know our deer so well. We call her "Knickohr" - Bent-Ear. In fact it is a very badly torn ear, one half of which is bent.

Just a few weeks ago at the Ottobeuren Sunday Market, Angie had again "warned" the State Forester who is responsible for our forest and also has the shooting rights, that our Knickohr was not to be harmed and certainly not to end up on the offerings that the State Forestry Commission now have in their Game Food Shop in Ottobeuren. He laughed and said of course not but as we hadn't seen her for ages, we had our doubts that we weren't too late.

This morning, she was just outside the sitting room window with at least one fawn. I couldn't get a decent (camera) shot of her that clearly showed her ear and her face but in the extra photo, proof it was her.

The awful weather has moved on and today the sun reappeared but was very cold in the breeze that was still about. After a short dog walk and some storm damage clearing up, went indoors for early lunch and then felt really awful - had a stomach upset since late last night but thought it was something I ate. Now worried it is kidney stones as it persisted for the rest of the day and night, laying me flat. Wouldn't surprise me as I have a routine check up with the urologist on Thursday and more than once have ended up in hospital the day before such an appointment with a stone problem.

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