Hallowe'en Treats

No takers yet for my Hallowe'en goodies, which were intended for small children.  If anyone does come, it will probably be older boys who are not really interested in chocolate bars and would probably prefer money:-)  They can take them or leave them, but no money will change hands!  And I'll expect a "treat", even if it is a silly joke!

Of course, if nobody comes at all (as has happened before in this quiet area), then there's all the more for us to eat:-)  I made sure I bought things we like too!

A quiet day, mainly trying to work out what we'll be taking on holiday and having a trial run at the packing to see if we are okay with the weight.  So far, so good with plenty to spare!  

Has anyone got any good tips about how to cope with moving on virtually every day to another hotel?  We are used to staying in the same place and just unpacking once!  A whole new experience for us.

Happy Hallowe'ev everyone:-)

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