Perth Museum

Another visit to Perth this afternoon and another building blip:-)  This is the lovely Museum and Art Gallery from the side as I walked up to it for a U3A meeting of the Genealogy Group.

A bit of a hiccup with the group, as I'd no sooner joined it than the leader had to give up for personal reasons.  The meeting today was to discuss a way forward and the consensus was that we wanted it to continue and would all take a turn at "leading" one meeting with a subject of our choice, which would then be open for discussion by the group.  Hope it works out!

I was very distracted during the meeting by a lovely carving on one wall (see Extra), but have no idea who or what it is meant to represent,  Took the long way home and stopped to get a view of the old bridge over the Tay in the later sunshine.  Pity about that pylon:-)

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