From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Reasons to be cheerful

There are many, of course, but one is definitely my weekly farmshop box from our lovely local nursery. I've said before that I'm not great at Fridays, but picking up our selection of fruit and veg and other goodies is one of the genuine highlights of my week. I unpacked this week's haul onto the kitchen table to do my inventory and plan some meals and thought it all looked so pretty, I'd take a picture. So it's not a particularly well posed or stylised picture, but then I've decided that my journal is a bit more rough and ready than that ;-)

This is most of what was in our selection this time - missing are the eggs, bananas, some extra potatoes, onions, sprouts and tomatoes, and you can't really make out the mini taster pot of local honey that's hiding in there. And one of the oranges had already been gobbled by my husband and daughter by the time this was taken... Not at all bad for £20, I reckon.

Bring on stew, soup and crumble - three more reasons to be cheerful!

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