Tiny Graffito

Everything about this tiny graffito on the side of a garbage can amused me. Ozzie added his comment as I was setting up the shot. I'm sure passers by shook their heads at the sight of me lining up a shot of a garbage can that my dog had just peed on, but, hey, they just don't understand the mind of a Blipper....

I spent the better part of two hours in the Apple Store getting the camera on my phone fixed. There was a lady sitting across from me who was trying the very soul of the genius who had been assigned to her. She would write down every word he uttered and then ask him to repeat it all again . Her belongings were scattered all over the crowded table and it appeared that her computer was not even a Mac. When her genius fled into the back room, as they are all  wont to do, at regular intervals, she looked at me without smiling and said, "I'm an old lady. I shouldn't have to do all this...." I must say I agreed with her....

The woman sitting next to me told me that she had just had her gall bladder removed and was supposed to be in bed, but when she finally gave in to daily pleas to update software, her whole phone crashed. She had fallen asleep in a chair out in the mall as she waited her turn with a genius, and a policeman came along and told her she couldn't sleep in the mall.

I have no idea what went wrong with my camera, and I don't think my genius did anything that I hadn't already tried, but the camera seems to be working now and I am informed that I am granted a new battery because there are 'issues' with the one I have. All I have to do is figure out how to back up my phone to the cloud and take it back to the store and wait another hour and a half....

I must admit I have plumbed the depths of new sources of patience this month, and other than feeling sympathy for everybody at my table, I took the whole thing in stride. Even when I couldn't remember my password....

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