The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Out Of Sight

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

For the first time, neither of the Mini Princesses wanted to do anything for Halloween.. No spooky outfits. No face painting. No fake blood. Nothing.

Part of me felt a little sad, but then we turned into one of THOSE families. There was no pumpkin outside the door and we shut the curtains and turned out the rest of the lights in the house. The doorbell only rang once, but due to the length of the ‘discussion’ about who was going to answer (‘I’m already in my jammies’, ‘I’m not wearing a bra’, ‘I’m not wearing one either’), the guiser has long gone by the time The Prince opened the door.

Instead, we had a blissful night. We watched The Bake Off final and ate the Halloween chocolates meant for little visitors.


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