
Erin has come for a sleepover. She has gymnastics on a Friday after school so we arranged to collect her from there and bring her back to ours. They have had a great time and been playing upstairs and the 2 wee ones have been stuck to the girls (Erin especially....they see Megan everyday!!).

Johnny had Beavers and was supposed to take his smartie tube filled with 20p's back.....Mummy and him both forgot to lift it so I have to drop it off at the leader's house over the weekend. Must try to remember!!

Granny and Snuffles walked along to school with us at 3pm to collect the kids. We then walked Granny back home, via the sweetie shop!

It's Amie's 6th birthday party tomorrow, so after swimming we are heading to Falkirk for a wee party!!

Enjoy the rest of your Friday and see you all tomorrow.


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