
Here is Jessica and Katie tonight, thick as thieves with their writing pads in hands. Now that Katie is at school she wants to write EVERYTHING!! Jessica wants to copy her too. It is sweet.

Megan was at netball after school and Johnny went to Duncan's for a play and then footie. I am a little "sad" with Johnny tonight as he came home with lots of work that he didn't complete in class because he wasn't paying attention to what he should have been doing!! He has completed it all and I think it is much neater than his recent writing but only the teacher can decide that one!!

Friday tomoz and Erin is coming for a sleepover....Megan is well excited but by all accounts so is Erin!! Let's see what time they get to sleep???

We then have Amie's birthday party on Saturday.......and 2 kids are staying in Falkirk and the other 2 are staying at Granny's........GET IN!!!!

It's friday tomorrow so no homework!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS


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