A rose is a rose is a rose ...

... even when it's wet.

Today it rained for most of the day. It was only later in the afternoon that it finally stopped and that the sun made a brief appearance.

A Heron was visiting the large pond when I walked past it with one of the dogs from the sanctuary and I managed to get a few photos of it but none of them was really worthy of becoming a blip. Fortunately, I'd also taken this one shot of a wet rose at the park.

My rabbit Rosie seems to have had a reasonably comfortable night. Following the instructions of the vet I have to give her a dose of painkiller and some antibiotics in the morning. Both have to be given orally with a syringe, which is something that I really don't like to do. Fortunately Rosie didn't put up too much of a struggle this time. She has to have this medication another 4 days though.

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