How cuuuute

Exhausted is the word I'm going to use.

Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

That's all I have left then I am FREEEEEEEE.

Pain in the arse that Dartford toll has gone up again though isn't it? Bah.

Might treat myself to some new, warm clothes before we go up to my mums. Absolutely neccessary!

May need lots of your advice concerning the tree outside the house (the ones the goldfinches and squirrels have been Blipped on a lot) as the council are on a 'lets-chop-down-lots-of-trees spree recently and I caught one of them photographing The Tree this morning, I'm so worried =(

As far as we're aware it does have a preservation order but the council never give any notice at all about chopping the trees down. One day it's there, you come home and it's gone.

Granted, it may just be so they can figure out how best to trim it down a bit, which I don't mind so much, but they can't take the whole tree down, can they?

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