Standing guard

Had a midday walk along the edge of a an inlet from the Mahurangi estuary. Since I was last down at this place, a walkway has been created (with seats for resting on while looking at the mangrove forest filling the inlet). Inland from the path is farmland. The path itself is generally and easy gradient, with a couple of places where some steps have been placed to make it easy to get up or down a steeper gradient. a very pleasant three quarters of an hour.

Near a small patch of swamp on the farm side of the path, were a group of Pukeko. I did spot one chick racing for the swamp. However, the speed with which this one flew/leapt onto the fallen tree and called to the others, resulted in most of the small birds being unseen. Pukeko practise the adage that it takes a village to raise a child.

As an extra, I have posted a photo I got of a tui, which spent some minutes calling and singing, and posturing in a tree by the path. Close enough to manage a reasonable photo.

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