Lali's World

By Lali

What are you looking at?

Saturday. Had a day off and the weather was beautiful! 

After a long lie in bed, did a bit of catching up with stuff and then had lunch with Scott. After that, we went for a walk along the coastal path in the Crail direction, as the weather was so good.  After the walk, I managed an hour long siesta (too long). Thankfully my mother woke me up with a phone call. 

In the evening, after dinner, Scott and I went to a gig at the Haven. Luke and his dad were playing. It was really good. 

My thoughts are with people in Catalonia at the moment, who are going through a really bad patch. I hope the political prisoners are eventually released, as I believe they are innocent. 

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars. I hope you all had a good Saturday! :)

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