We have been to Barth today (Please note the southern strange pronunciation which is totally out of character and totally incomprehensible to me as to why some people say Barth instead of Bath...) We have come home brain frazzled and timorous. Tomorrow we might attempt to sort out exporting to a different place and by passing the systems I've been using to organza my photographic output and if that works eventually we might think about doing something with it...
Yes, that's right, we've been at a Photoshop course at HQ for the illustrious Royal Photographic Society. It's been a long day which didn't finish on time as we all had lots of questions and special needs but we are home now and vegetating in front of the TV.
This is the only shot from today - a surreptitious shot with my phone of the table we were working on! In the darkness.
Sums up the day!
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