One giant leap for frog kind

Momomonday theme for today is a frog's eye view.  Any frog wanting to get to the other side would need to cross this expanse...  It would look like a very long way...

Some things are like that.  You just have to hope they are worth the journey...

Today I went to the dentist to have two crowns done.  One on the tooth that had the root filling a few weeks ago and one on the next door tooth whose crown fell off.  Poor little tooth.  He was too little to have a crown put back on.  What a shame.  Poor Rose.  It had to come out.  Not the most pleasant of mornings what with that gungy stuff they put in  your mouth to make an impression and lots of drilling then lots of tugging and pulling.  Feel a bit battered.

Like a frog who has got to the other side but not particularly enjoyed the journey and is still a little worried about what might come out of the woodwork still...

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