Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Basket case

Dylan is spending a lot of time with us at the moment, not always in the most convenient fashion and it was very typical of him to decide to come to bed and to settle down for the night in a basket of clean washing.

Having got to sleep about 2:45 in the morning, you will not be surprised to know that we did not have an early start. The first part of the day was relatively lazy, with a bit of cleaning, a lot of tea, and the odd vegan bacon sandwich.

We did make it into town for a while to do some shopping, then went to see Mr and Mrs Bear for a coffee before coming home to lentil shepherd’s pie and an early night.

We have had several weeks of very sociable weekends, but I’m glad I’m on one level that we now have a bit of a break. Otherwise I am in danger of becoming a basket case myself ...

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