A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

In The City (IX) [Nightbreed]

In 1989, I read a book called Cabal by Clive Barker. In 1990, this was released as a film called Nightbreed, also directed by Clive Barker.
The film wasn't a particularly good adaptation of the book; huge chunks were missing.
It turned out that the movie studio didn't like Cliver Barker's idea for the film, and insisted on lots of cuts, hence the version that ended up in cinemas.

A few years ago, some friends of Clive Barker found old, very rough footage and re-edited the old footage into the existing DVD and a much longer version was born.

This much longer version (called Nightbreed: The Cabal Cut) has been shown at selected film festivals where apparently is has gone down a storm. Last night I saw it as part of an annual horror movie festival in Manchester (Grimmfest) and I too loved it.

The plan seems to be that the film will be shown at a number of festivals, the end result being that there is sufficient interest to convince the movie studio to officially authorise a re-edited and remastered version of the film that can then be released on DVD and Blu Ray.

And this blip? Last night, in the city, not long after the film had finished and I had missed my tram. (Didn't have to wait too long though.)

More "In The City" by me, here.


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