Life on the edge

Nate and I took a walk along the Port...a chance for him to snooze, me to have a pray, and us both to warm up in the winter sunshine. It's been so windy today, it's made it feel super chilly... I liked this curled up leaf on the steps down to the sea...I was on my knees getting low enough to photograph it - I must have looked a proper oddbod...but at least being winter, there aren't many people here!
This afternoon Asha requested that just she & I go to a café to do some colouring...there wasn't really time, but Danny pushed back his prison work so he could have Nate for half an hour. I'm so glad Asha & I were able to do that, it felt special! I'm not very good at 'playing'...I know so many fantastic Moms who are great at running round, playing games, etc etc...and I'm just not like that...but I do love doing arty things with my girl. Once Danny had gone to do his thing, we wrapped Nate up and headed out into the dark - we went up to the Old Town and looked out over Sa Penya - they've got their street fire going to keep them warm, so everywhere smells amazing!

Drama of the day;
Feeling like there was a very real possibility of throwing up during the fitness class...I must have had breakfast too close to the time or something!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Danny submitting his first essay for his course! It's been a LOT of work and hours...I'm glad that's #1 done...also grateful to those who have proof read it for him, and been sounding boards re content.... The essay (loosely) was around justice and our retributive system...and looking at Jesus' restorative justice and how he dealt with offenders...interesting stuff!
2) A peaceful time in the Port...time to breathe and realign.
3) Asha time. A very well-spent half hour...

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