Turning toward winter...

Dear Diary,

This image pretty much sums it up for me.  My trumpet vine is a sorry sight now, its bare stems against the dark background, just a few yellow leaves hanging on.  One had an odd patch of red and when I looked carefully, one small leaf further down seemed to have a drop of blood dripping off.  It suits my mood.

Our weather is taking a real turn towards winter temperatures; it will struggle to get out of the 40'sF today.  In the Celtic calendar November 1st is the first day of winter and it will feel like it beginning today.  At least there is no precipitation in the forecast for awhile so no worry about snow for now.

 I finally met with my surgeon yesterday and I have a date for the operation, next Wednesday!  Yikes!  I wanted it done as soon as possible but I thought I would have a bit more time to get things in order around here.  He seemed a nice, compassionate man and we talked for a long time.  I am very nervous about the procedure but I am hoping that afterwards I will be able to have a more normal life.  It is worth the risks I think.

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