Helpful ......

..... People ....
this lovely lady is such a willing helper. If she happens to be putting the refuse out when I arrive at the club, she insists on carrying my bag up the stairs then down again to the pool and when , an hour later, I've finished my swim/exercise she appears again and does the same thing in reverse. I'm really pleased to have this help as it is so difficult for me to do steps! I can manage some days but today wasn't one of them. However I did do my hours swim/ exercise of 64 lengths. I followed this with Sainsbury's shopping ,then booking cinema tickets for tomorrow . I'm home now for a well earned cuppa.
Just had a phone call from the Rev as J was in hospital for a biopsy of the kidney and the results are to follow . Trips 3 times a week to the hospital resume again for I V meds. Another worrying time for all.

Thankful .... for my faith and so many people caring and praying for them.

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