
By cowgirl

Mr Riggs

We didn't meet Mr Riggs, but turns out my cousin, Jill, does know him.

Jill took us for a spin around McLaren Vale and surrounding areas today. I've added a crippled of extras to show the acres of grapevines that grow for miles, with a multitude of wineries.

We were peckish, so stopped to get a pie and saw a new restaurant had opened up next door. The lady in charge for the day came over to say hello as we were checking out the menu board ( for future reference ) and recognised my cousin from a charity ball they both attended last week. She introduced herself as Soibhan and in the course of conversation she and Jill discovered they are part of the same pool of players at the local tennis club.

We were invited to do some wine tasting, and it would have been rude to refuse, right?! White wines aren't to my taste ( but tried some in case my taste had changed ... it hasn't ) so Soibhan brought a few reds out, including a pink capped bottle, the proceeds of which are donated to the Foundation. We were given a bottle to take home too.

( My cousin's husband died in May this year from a brain tumour and the ball was in aid of cancer research, organised by the Flinder's Foundation. Sav donated a picture to be auctioned off ).

Afterwards we had a pie and coffee before Jill ( I should point out that Jill sampled very little wine as she was driving ) took us on a trip around the surround area, which is basically acres and acres of grape vines for the multitude of wineries there are there.

Back home for a snooze ... well, I snoozed, Sav had a swim in the pool and then a quick trip to a supermarket for some salad stuff to go with a quiche and the wine for dinner.

Jill's mum joined us and the evening whizzed by.

Reckon I'll sleep well again tonight!

The extras are of Mia, Jill's dog checking for kangaroos, some vines and roses, a local beach and Jill's house.

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