Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Everyone loves The Lorax

Except L probably. Having to keep the school toy dog entertained for another day we decide to hop on a bus and go to the kids club at the cinema. Last time we came, L got startled by the loud credits at the beginning. Despite being really excited on our way there and receiving her popcorn, once we sat down she obviously remembered and started freaking out. I told a small lie and said there would be a fluffy dog in the film. Which there wasn't. So I then had to tell another lie, which was that The Lorax sje was seeing was actually a doggy. Classic example of how a small lie can get out of hand.
Anyway, she settled down and enjoyed the food and snacks and then fell asleep on the bus on the way home.

Had a visit from my cousin this afternoon. He's kindly given me his old lomo fish eye camera. It takes old school film so I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with that and find somewhere to get it developed. And also train myself in patience as I will not be getting instant images like with digital.

My friend who has been having a tough time recently is going on her first date this evening. I'm worrying for her like I would my own daughter. I hope she's not rushing things. :-s

J's shop properly opened today. Many friends and family went up to see the place. I've only seen him briefly this week and today is no different. In the door and out again. He showed me a lovely msg from his new boss this evening thanking him for his commitment and contribution. Its good to be appreciated.

He's off tomorrow so hopefully some family time then.

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