Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

A blip from J

Needing to complete m's report of her adventures with Coco the class toy doggy, I left J in charge of the camera and the kids while I went for a run. I quite like this shot.

This afternoon, after homework lunch and showers, we went to visit my mum. Not been to see her for a while so was nice to finally get together. Difficult to get a word in edge ways with the kids though!

E's been at a disco this evening. It's not fancy dress but she really wanted to wear her pirate skull cap and eye patch. Knowing the whole of year four had been invited I told her she couldn't and had to conform by wearing normal stuff. It was a tough call. I want her to express herself how she see fit but equally, having been there myself, I don't want her to be a target for bullies. I'd love to be able to protect her for ever but I think essentially I should've let her find her own way.

She loved the party anyway and came back with sweets, cake and a sprained wrist.

Now, all we need to do is get the school toy dog back to school in one piece and the weekend will have been wholly successful. Quite a responsibly and we've had some close calls already

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