He's in Luck...I Made a New Duck

I was looking for some bat-themed gourds to put out for Halloween...when I found Jake the drake. (He is in the background.)

Believe this next part...or not.

Jake the drake...all of a sudden...spake. (?)

"Do you think for me you could make...
another multi-colored drake?
We could call him Blake...
and even though he'd be fake...
we could still cruise the lake...
and create a friendship wake."

How could I refuse this request...
from the bird with blue on the breast?
I put myself in house arrest...
'cause I didn't want Jake depressed.
Away from the TV...I did wrest...
and created Blake with semi-zest.

But, Jake the drake...
wouldn't put on the brake.

"Now that I've got a friend who's best...
could you craft for me a duck named Celeste?"

Not a chance.

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