On the Way to Cincinnatti

In the last 2 months, I have neglected to say that our dear Florida neighbor Faye has moved to an assisted living facility in Northern Kentucky...just over the Ohio River from Cincinnati. It's a long story, and it's a story that we had no control over...so...it is what it is.

So, on Friday morning, the three of us drove 300 miles to see her...with the first stop being Cabelas in Dundee Michigan. In the parking lot of the big outdoors store, I discovered...that for the first time in...well...forever...that I left my camera on my living room couch. OH NO!!!

Luckily, I had a back-up tucked in the bowels of my van, but as some of you know...not having your regular camera almost makes you feel naked (or as they say here in Kentucky...nekkid.)

We're having a good time, but it was just a little sad seeing Faye out of her familiar Florida surroundings. ;0(

P.S. Sorry about adding the jackalope (half rabbit-half antelope) in the upper right. I had a spot left in the collage, and didn't have any more Merrick to put in there.

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