Abstract .......

 .......... Thursday124  (AT124).

Natural Surprise is the theme set by Ingeborg - thank you for hosting again this week.

I had intended to call this "Communication - or lack thereof" but I am, naturally, surprised at what happened to my "mission". (see what I did there??? - lol).

Midnight - off I go ...... arrive at the appointed place an hour later to discover that:

'M' had failed to communicate with her colleagues about my arrival.

'Q' had failed to ensure that my secret 'gizmos' were in full working order.

My private Lear jet had not been refuelled and the pilot was fast asleep.

The Aston Martin was in for service and under wraps.

No-one could find my Walther PPK.

So I came back home!!!!  Missionless.  At 02.30.
All boils down to a lack of communication between my senior mission-makers and I was naturally surprised!!!!!!  
Yay - I managed to get that in without too much trouble to fit the challenge!!    :o))

~ Anni ~

Backblipped a day late on Friday 10 November 2017

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