
By AlrightFlower

I love my bed (even more now)

Not a particularly dynamic shot today chaps, sorry. But this is what I've been doing. No, not sleeping! I took apart the bed in my room, took apart the bed in the spare room (easier as it's a divan!) and swapped the two. This made sense (in my head) on several levels:

1. The spare bed is more comfortable than mine.

2. The frame is smaller - in my last two houses, I've been lucky enough to have a huge main bedroom, so plenty of walking around space. Much as I love this house, my bedroom is comparatively tiny, and I kept walking into the corners of the other bed. Which brings me on to...

3. The old bed frame was wooden, with sharp corners on which I've been bashing my legs almost daily. This has meant that, apart from the time I spent travelling, I've had legs covered in bruises of varying hues for the last 8 months - my god, I didn't realise I'd been in that long :-) And perhaps most importantly of all...

4. Today I picked up the winter duvet from the cleaners. I love my winter duvet, it has a gravitas that the summer duvet just can't match. It stays where it's supposed to, unlike the summer duvet which looks in the morning like I've spent the night wrestling with Big Daddy (am I showing my age there?).

Somehow though, I have ended up with less under-bed storage than I had. Not sure what happened there...

So, to bed. I shall wriggle down under the duvet and relish the sinking feeling (that's literal, not figurative) and wonder why I didn't do this months ago.


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