My alternative diary

By chrisphoto

What is it?

Well, chest infection and the attendant bits that go with it have put me out of action for a couple of weeks. The thing that surprises and shocks me most is that it seemed to drive out any creative urge I've had in the past. The shock is that a week ago my new camera arrived and I've hardly looked at it.

Anyway, I ventured out shopping today (only light you understand) and took my camera with me. On the return journey, I shunned the main road and came via villages. Driving along I was surprised to see a field awash with yellow. Could it be a field of late rape or is it mustard? Lots of rape is grown around here but it has all been harvested by now. This photo is a single stem with 3 visitors. I don't know what it is, does anyone out there know?

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