Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

My morning started really well. I picked my first Moneymaker tomato, the first one ever that matured on the plant and indoors, and ate it for breakfast. It's such a lovely tomato! It tasted wonderfully! 
During the afternoon I thought I'd take care of a curtain that's been hanging not so well in the door to the patio. The curtain rack tumbled down some months ago and I thought I'd screw the curtain rack hold to the wall again. After trying out different screws, trying to put these plastic holds in the screw holes, finally managing to put one in and realizing that I needed one for the other hole too, hammering them in place, screwing the hold in place and putting up the rack I could finally hang the curtain properly again. And getting a bit of exercise for my butt while climbing up and down on a small ladder. :D
My next thing to do was to hang the growth lights. I have three, and I have three lamp cords too, that I use for the Christmas stars in the windows. Great idea, right? Well, the sockets for the growth lights were too big for the lamp-sockets on the cords, so that was a no go... Oh well, I searched for ordinary lamp bases instead. I found three... only one had the same size as the growth light, of course... so I thought I'd put it together with my Moneymaker tomato plant. Of course the connector was of the old kind without the 'extra caution grounding piggs', so that was a no too... 
Thankfully I found the right socket (I hope) at a nearby shop, so I'm going there on Monday to buy two (for now). 
I think I'm spending the rest of the day on my couch with a cup of tea!

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