A Good Start

Arrived at the school to set everything up and was greeting by the sunrise (who needs t drive miles into the middle of nowhere to get a nice shot?).

Unfortunately the sales weren't as uplifting.
Numbers were down and sales were down ....for everyone.
I even had someone objecting to paying £1 for a spinning top (and I wasn't the only one with people looking for 'discounts').
It was amazing the number of people who walked around looking at the floor. I doubt they even saw the small stuff on the top of my display (in the extras box) or on the window ledge between that and my eye level.
The sale was marked as being on until 4.30pm but by 4pm the committee were saying to start packing up since there was nobody in the place and hadn't been for half an hour..........
There were over 40 stalls on two floors selling a huge range of handmade crafts - many geared towards 'Seasonal' gifts but because they are not electrical or packed in cardboard & plastic folk aren't interested.
They say there is no money about but that is not true ...... look at the shops - they are heaving - and the number of courier and delivery vans going about.
Money is being spent but it is people's attitude that is the problem. They are not prepared to think about what to buy or communicate with real people who can supply items that will last, at a price that is cheaper than shops (no middle-man) and is certainly a higher quality than in the shops.
Scotland's reputation for people with deep pockets and short arms is not without grounds ..... and those arms are getting shorter!

After packing up and maikng sure all the power cables etc were retrieved and boxed, the tables were collapsed and stacked and the place was tidy it was rush home, unpack the car, grab something to eat and into town for a concert at The Queen's Hall by http://www.horsemcdonald.com/.

Once again the rudeness and total lack of respect was painfully obvious. The venue was half empty while the support act  (a local singer/songerwriter) was on and then the bar emptied and the place filled when Horse come on (the guy sitting next to me said that in the interval there was a man in the bar even asked what the support was like!)..... but there were still people talking and laughing all through the concert with a steady stream of people going to the loo (no pun intended). It was so bad that the call of the toilet was even mentioned by the artist between a couple of songs!
Apart from the crass behaviour of some of the audience, it was a good concert.

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