Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Remembrance Sunday

We met baby Oliver today for the first time. He’s 7 weeks old and has just made the long flight all the way from Australia!! He’s totally adorable and I enjoyed my cuddles. He loved the play mat we took him and was happily gurgling away on it. Phoebe held him too and enjoyed showing him a book. Hope we can see him again during the week before he and his parents jet of to Italy!

I was so proud to be a part of the Remembrance Sunday Parade this afternoon with Phoebe and her Rainbows group. It was icy cold with lots of walking, waiting and standing but all the little rainbows did brilliantly. It was truly moving to see how many local people had turned out in the cold to watch us pass, with some even walking alongside us. Wreath and poppy rocks were laid at the War memorial followed by a moving service at the church.

Lest we forget.

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