Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

The last sunset

of Colorado that I will see until next year!    Saturday was a strange day..started out completely clear sky, not a cloud to be seen..then it got hazy, then colder, then cloudier, then it snowed and spit little tiny snow balls like hail but tiny..I call it "sneet"..sleet and snow..then the sun came out, it warmed up a little and then we had this big pink sky sunset!      A good ending to my time in Colorado.

We are now at Ogallala, Nebraska, for the night.  A nice hotel with a dog yard in a courtyard in the center of the buildings.   No leash needed for Gypsy as there are no other people on this side and she is the only dog around!   And it is right outside our door.    Not that she cared about using the  facilities..she was too busy with her nose smelling all the smells!   

Tomorrow will be a long driving day to get over half the distance home..about 500 miles to our next stopping place..which may take about 10 hours.   

Not much time for stars and comments for a few days!     

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