We found...

...our way back to Plean Country Park today.

Used to be a regular haunt for the Weim walk but it’s been quite a while.

Just the wee fella, Mr R, the Weim and I. We had dropped the Rooster at the gym, Es was doing her usual helping out at Stirling City Radio and the Buncle was relaxing at home...if the Buncle was any more relaxed he’d be permanently horizontal!

Wee fella had also requested a brunch for after Church...while since we done that too. He likes a wee brunch, that wee fella.

After Brunch I had helped the big boys tidy their room. Been at them for weeks, their idea of tidy and mine differ quite a bit so I worked with them to gain a common understanding of tidy:-). Popped “A spoonful of sugar” on my iPhone as we worked...lol.

After dinner I ventured into room 101 and gave that a clear out...

Grateful for a bright and sunny Sunday and the energy to tick of some chores as well as enjoy the sunshine.

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