Sunday: Through the Fountain

The leaves are starting to turn here too but it remains lovely and warm.  There is a slightly different feel in the air though - you can really feel that autumn is on its way.  We are very intrigued as to what our first winter here will bring - apparently the snow fall can be really heavy and we have also heard that the town is beautiful in the run-up to Christmas.

I didn't get much benefit from today's lovely weather as I have been at work for a good part of the day.  I have never really caught up from being on holiday (sadly there is a downside to holidays.......) and I have several things that need doing and which are looming very large.  It is a public holiday here tomorrow and I think I will have to suffer the same fate.  K. is in the UK at the moment so it does make it less painful.

When things get a bit like this, I always try and take it one day it at a time.  Things will get better eventually.......

It wasn't raining today - this is in one of the squares in town where they have a good number of fountains.


P.S.  Does anyone else find the broad black stripes you get when uploading a portrait shot photo a bit irritating?  You don't get them at the preview stage and the photos are so much better without.  It kind of makes me want to avoid portrait shots.

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