Monday: Graffiti Street

As I have mentioned before, there is a lot of graffiti here.  Some of it is actually encouraged by the city, such as on this stretch of wall by the train station.  The wall is covered from one end to the other, and is about 1 km long, so lots of pickings for me!  It reminds me a bit of the Berlin Wall.  

It is Croatian Independence Day today so a public holiday.  I spent a few hours at work this morning and have managed to do at least two things that were hanging over me like that cloud of dust that used to follow Pigpen around in Peanuts.    

Added to that, I have discovered that my tax return is actually not due to the end of January, so that can go back on the denial pile.  So a pretty good day!

240 - for anyone who has ever booked flights on a budget I did this morning.......

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