The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Poop diddly pooped!

Where does Pippa go when all that retrieving has knackered her out? Into the ditch to cool down by lying down in the water and having a drink!!

We woke up early and went out for a long walk in the fields. The air was crisp and there was a heavy frost so it was lovely...the mist was hanging over the fields and I had wished I had taken my camera. Especially when three deer wandered in front of us very casually! My hands and feet were freezing when we got home, I was glad of a warm shower and my omelette!

I have spent the day working, ironing, generally pottering about getting jobs done. It was nice to talk this afternoon, I'm glad you are back at your apartment safe and sound! Only six days to go until I can actually talk to you (and your remarkably long and unkempt hair!) face to face!!

We have just been out for another walk and Pippa and I played ball. Got her jumping over ditches but couldn't get the angle right for the shots - we can try together next weekend! Now time for ironing, dinner and bed. I'm shattered!

Sleep tight, make sure you replenish the 12,000 calories you burnt this weekend!!

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